Fall weather has set in and the cold has many of our donors asking “How can we help?”
Your help over these past few months has been invaluable as we help people on their journey, not only for physical needs but emotional and spiritual. MMUTB strives to minister to the whole person. You make that possible through your donations of time and resources.
Through your giving MMUTB was able to support B.G. as he struggled with depression. B. G. found himself in Florida with his two best friends. A hurricane approached and he evacuated but his friends stayed. They lost their lives during the storm and B.G. had nowhere to turn. By himself, he struggled to find his way. He would call and say he was coming back to Indy but his depression immobilized him. His struggle was real. We encouraged, we prayed, we were patient and B.G. did return. He is doing well and we are blessed to be an important part of his support network.
Through your giving we have seen lives totally changed! Recently, Charles shared with us how he used to stand in line and say to himself, “Why doesn’t she just shut up and let us eat!” I told him that he wasn’t the only one who has had these thought over the past 13 years. Now Charles has an apartment, a job and great memories of what was “preached” while he was waiting for food. Now he comes on Sunday to help others and have “church”. We are so very proud of his progress.

Then there are countless stories like Zeke’s. He joined us on a Sunday to announce that he had been sober for a week! PTL! He didn’t come to eat but to make sure everyone was invited to a mobile baptism at Willard Park the next Thursday where he would be baptized. What a blessing to be part of this amazing young man’s journey. We attended the baptism and met all his friends and family. We now pray with and for those members who are on their road toward Christ.
Through your giving we are able to partner with other outreaches over the City. On a recent endeavor, MMUTB had to use The Reuben Engagement Center, The Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center, Wheeler Mission and Good News Shelter just to help with housing. At one of these facilities a client made a decision to follow Christ. What a blessing to be part of that journey. Countless hours, trips around town, many, many phone calls and the end result is changed lives! To God be the Glory!
MMUTB was able to get S.A. in his apartment! Praise the Lord! He is 62 years old and is getting his assistance check now. MMUTB tried to help him do this last year. But he was stubborn and didn’t want to be in bondage to the government, (His words not mine). I told him that he worked for a lot of years and he was entitled to it. I’m glad that he did all this on his own and figured it out. He spent last winter in a “bando” abandoned house. No electricity, no water, the place was awful; he stayed on the kitchen floor. I would check on him several times a week and take him food during the bitter cold season. We tried to get him a cot… he didn’t want one, a sleeping bag… he didn’t want one. We also said that we would get him a motel until the cold snap broke. Nope he wanted nothing of it. All I can tell you is, we dropped off more blankets and that blasted sleeping bag and guess what… he used them and thanked us later. He survived last winter! In -16 degrees, yes that is NEGATIVE 16 degrees. Praise God! My dear cousins had stored S.A.’s things in their shed for almost 3 years. They are saints. S.A. is very happy and some of his buds live in this complex as well.
Only eternity will be able to tell the story of how you and MMUTB have made a difference in countless lives over the past 13 years. Thank you, Thank you, and Thank you!
Matthew 18:10 – 14 “See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven. What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off? And if he finds it, truly I tell you, he is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off. In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should perish.”
The University of Indianapolis nursing students will be helping us again this year. At least 10 students are gathering donations from local businesses including first aid supplies and snacks. They will be coming to our gathering the end of October and passing these supplies out to our street friends. Glad to have their help.
James and Lori, two of our wonderful volunteers, have been asking for emergency information on our homeless friends. We take a picture for our small info file of those that come to have lunch and church with us on Sundays. MOST didn’t have an emergency person to call. I told them they could put my name and number down. I still get calls on homeless friends that have used me as an emergency contact but I haven’t seen them in years. We are here for them! Whenever or Whatever they need us for. MMUTB is here to serve. “For the least of these”…
Our friends have been using the washer and dryer for their clothes. The showers have been a great blessing. They are very thankful to be able to do these things that the rest of us just take for granted… I know I used to. It’s a luxury for some and a necessity for others. You or your organization can help us with a few odd jobs around the building that still need attending to or completed but thanks to many we are functional.
We haven’t had an open house yet due to helping folks on the street get to better positions in their lives; such as rehab, hospitals, doctors, detox, etc. Ministry first, other things second….. Stay tuned.
My dear friend Karen Hymbaugh came and took pictures of our friends, printed them and we passed them out. Several of the guys wanted extra copies to send to their moms and girlfriends. Most enjoy having their pictures taken; it makes them remember they are really special!
We are thankful to Steven and Johanna Ray for creating such a beautiful website and maintaining it for us. THANK YOU BOTH!!!
Only 4 dates left for 2019. That’s right only 4 Sunday food service opportunities left for next year. If you or your organization want to sponsor a Sunday in 2019 please let me know ASAP.
We are very humbled and honored that God has entrusted these people to our care and we take it very seriously, as their souls and lives depend on it. We don’t take that lightly.
God bless all of you.
Please visit our Website and to make a financial donation via PayPal, clicking HERE.
Financial blessings and other correspondence please mail to:
MMUTB, P.O. Box 42159, Indianapolis, IN 46242
Amazon Smile is another way you can buy from Amazon and .05% is donated to Meet Me Under The Bridge.
Meet Me Under The Bridge, Inc. is a 501c3 Non-profit organization.
Rev. 10/2018