As many of you know, Kathy has required a modest office/supply/distribution building for a number of years now, to work more effectively. She currently operates out of her little home, with no space for storage. It is beyond difficult finding any business or person within walking distance of Davidson Street Railroad Bridge, willing to assist. The below building is ideal in many ways, but the stigma of helping the homeless again meets opposition as the owner is not motivated to accept less than asking price, nor is the realtor helpful to communicate.
As a partner with Kathy, I pray that someone, somewhere, will come forth and assist Kathy with either this building (buy it without declaration of purpose, as a tax deductible purchase) or locate one the Lord has hand selected in that area. Will you not pray for the genuine and inspirational outreach of MMUTB for this essential need!
Click the link to view the property here.
For Christ’s glory,
S.E. Ray
Director of Messiah Missions
Messiah Missions
Denise Mize says:
January 19, 2015 at 3:30 pmjust making sure we are on for the food Feb 1..