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Happy Mothers Day!

Happy Mothers Day! Please tell all your family and friends about our spring fundraiser this Saturday, May 14th from 11 – 4 pm at Moose Lodge at 7055 east 16th Street. Cross streets are 16th Street and Shadeland. We are having live entertainment all day, volleyball, games, rummage sale, bake sale, hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, drinks, etc. Please come and help our ministry. We need you to help us so we can do Kingdom work.

Thanks to Marla, Doris and Brownstown for the wonderful food! Thanks to Steve for coordinating the food and making sure we have enough every week. God Bless our Volunteers!!

I spoke today about how Mother’s Day for some can be a day of joy or a day of sadness and grief. Some have children and are a mom or lost their children due to their living circumstances, even some have lost them to death. Some have blessed someone else with their children when they knew they wouldn’t be able to care for them. Some, like me, have terminated their pregnancies. If they have done that, have they asked God to forgive them? It took me a lot of years to ask for forgiveness from God, because I didn’t think I deserved forgiveness. I paused then asked if they have forgiven themselves for doing that to their child. I said, “If you ask in faith, God has forgiven us, He never wanted us to carry that burden, we have to forgive ourselves too.”

I spoke about the bond between a child and their Mother and that nothing can come between it unless we allow it to. I said “if you don’t have a good relationship with your Mom, realize she did and/or is doing the best she knows how.” And to try and reconnect with her if she’s still alive. If she isn’t… talk to her in your prayers. The fifth commandment says to honor your Mother and Father.

I read a love letter from God to the ladies out of a book called “His Princess”. “I see how hard you try to handle your heart and I know you want to live without heartaches or pain. I’m asking you to take a step closer to your Father in heaven by crying out to Me when you hurt. Let Me heal you. Remember My chosen, King David? He cried out to Me in his fears, disappointments and sin, and I answered. You are also My chosen one, you are My daughter… so it’s ok to cry. I don’t expect you to pretend that pain is not real. It is truth and tears that will give you the freedom that I want you to know. Now let go of the part of your heart that only I can heal. Let your heavenly Daddy hold you while you cry. Love, Your King who wipes away tears. Psalm 126:5 Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy.

Lizzan (Joyce’s 8 year old daughter) got up and prayed for the blessing today, it was precious! Out of the mouths of babes.

Brother Paul and other volunteers wanted to anoint all the ladies and pray for them. They also got to be first in line for Mother’s Day!

A guy named Charles just shook his head throughout the whole talk and even spoke out once about he knew his Mom was in hell. Whew!!! He came right up to me after the talk and started in about his Mom. How she was a crack head and he was the oldest of 6 and his Grandmother raised them. He has a lot of bitterness towards his Mom. I asked him to forgive her, in one sentence he said he never would, then in another sentence he said he did. He also told me he was Muslim, I asked him if he was pink on the inside, he looked at me like I was crazy… He then said no I’m gray on the inside, then he said he was red on the inside. I told him that we are all pink on the inside, every one of God’s children. I asked if I could pray for him, he hesitated then told me it was ok. Halleluiah!!! Please agree with me in prayer that God touched him today!! We deal with hurting people, please pray for their wounded souls.

I saw a gal in the audience crying while I was talking and I went to pray with her afterwards. She said that a guy sitting close to her kept running his mouth and she wanted to hear what I was saying and it upset her. Please pray for Tammy.

Please pray for all of our friends every day, there’s a lot of confusion in their lives. Our God is a God of order!!!

Clifton came up and told me he had a new girlfriend. I said to him “you just had a baby with another girl.” His baby’s mama lost the child to family because they are on the street. I told him he didn’t need to be having babies he can’t take care of and leaving his children in his wake. Then he said that he was just friends with this one. He also said he really enjoyed himself at The Gathering and that the preacher hit him hard. The preacher said to make today a new day and to let the bad go!

Lord, please bless Hilda for always stepping up and helping with the clothes.

Michael (our young marine) said his tent was trashed and needed a new one, we were able to bless him with one and a tarp.

If anyone has tents that you don’t use anymore or would like to bless our ministry, please drop off tents and tarps at HRH 918 east Michigan Street.

Thank you! Please continue to pray for our volunteers and our friends that come in for love, food, clothing and spiritual food.


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