Praise our Lord and Savior, Jesus! He is so good to us every day!
Our luncheon every Sunday makes me laugh at times. Because when we first show up there are maybe 20 – 25 people, but then it’s like yeast… the crowd grows and grows to 80 or more of our friends that are hungry. Physically, emotionally and spiritually. TAKING THE CHURCH TO THE STREETS!!!
In some ways it’s a beautiful sight as we love seeing our friends and meeting new ones for God to touch in powerful ways. In the other ways, it’s sad; that there are that many people that are having a “rough go” of it in life. Bob came up to me and gave me a little piece of paper that he holds in his wallet. It’s the sinner’s prayer. He told me that he “tries” so hard to do the right thing and messes up all the time. I chuckled and told him that I mess up all the time too. We are all human and fall short of God’s Glory. He told me that he tries so hard to do better. I shared that the enemy nips at our heals to take us down and devour us. But we have the assurance that “If God be for us, who can be against us?”
He had tears in his eyes and wanted to re-dedicate his life to the Lord. We talked a bit and I asked him to tell Jesus what was in his heart. It was such a sweet and gentle prayer and totally from his heart.
Praise God!
Kathy Albright
Executive Director